Georgios Antonios Margonis

This study is important because it brings to the forefront surgery and tumor biology in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases. Specifically, it is the first study to tailor surgical technique (anatomical versus non-anatomical hepatectomies) according to the presence or absence of a biomarker (wild-type versus KRAS mutated tumors). Of note, to date, the use of biomarkers was limited to only informing prognosis. The broader clinical message of the study is that because tumor biology may differ between patients with the same malignancy, surgical treatment should be individualized.

Questions & Answers

Why did you choose Johns Hopkins for your work?

The Department of Surgery at Johns Hopkins combines the clinical expertise in surgical oncology with “top-notch” facilities and the necessary infrastructure to carry out novel research projects.

What does receiving this award mean to you personally and professionally? Do you have any connection with the particular award you received?

The Paul Ehrlich Award is the greatest honor I have received from The Johns Hopkins University during the four years I have been here. It is very fulfilling when your work is recognized by your institution.

What contributed to your project’s success? 

There were three major factors that contributed to the project’s success. Two great mentors, Drs. Weiss and Wolfgang, an idea with major clinical implications and the resources that Johns Hopkins offered us.

What are your plans over the next year or so? Graduating, looking for faculty positions, etc.?

Next year I will focus more on my clinical duties at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Surgery.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

If I could say one thing about myself, it is that so far, I have led my life with dignity and respect, treating everyone the way I want to be treated.